Monday, January 28, 2008


This giveaway is for a pair of e2 Cutie Booties - you can pick the size and style!

Visit my website ( Leave a comment here on this blog entry (include your first name and last initial if you enter anonymously) and give me some feedback on my store - product ideas, thoughts, etc. I just opened it, and would like to know what everybody thinks! I will post the winner here at the end of the contest - so check back!!

Your comment won't show up right away - I moderate them. But don't worry...all (appropriate) entries will be posted. =)If you don't win don't feel blue...Use the code "giveaway" in the message to seller field when you buy from my etsy shop to get free shipping for the rest of the month and February.

I'm writing this blog...

My mother (god bless her!) always starts her text messages with "I'm send ing you a text" So, in the spirit of the one who gave me life: I'm writing this blog...
to introduce myself : Hello World!! I am a happily crazy SAHM of 2 lovable terrors! In an attempt to keep some shred of sanity I create adorable baby items (usually in the wee hours of the morning!!) My store, e2designs, is named after my lovely daughter, Ella Elizabeth (e2!) whose passionate hatred of the "infant carrier" created a need for a jacket that didn't take 20 min to get on and off! Our solution - the poncho. Not so great when worn by drunken cowboys, but these updated, stylish looks are all the rage with the 14 and under set (and some VERY hip mammas!) So please have a look around my store, and do let me know if there's something special I can make for you!